3D Printing in Fashion Industry

As the advancement in 3d printing technologies increases, day by day all the industries are trying to take the most advantage out of it. Because 3d printing can print any shape irrespective of its complexity, 3d printing technology provides full freedom to fashion designers to bring their crazy creative ideas to reality, which is almost impossible with any other manufacturing method. Overall, 3D printing in the jewellery industry is opening up new possibilities for design and production, making it an exciting and innovative field to be a part of.
3D Printed jewels
Fashion industries take more advantage of 3d printing in jewellery designing.because the two well-known existing techniques namely handcrafting and lost-wax castings are time and labor-intensive processes.
3d printing has completely digitalized these processes of the lost-wax process, wherein the designs are created digitally using cad software and printed using castable resin and that 3d printed parts are used as the pattern for casting.
The 3d printing in jewellery making not only reduces the time and labor also increases the accuracy and quality of the jewels

3D Printed Shoes
The craft of making footwear has been around for hundreds of years , and for an extended time it had been all done by hand. American Lyman Blake invented the primary shoe stitching machine in 1856, which was perfected in 1864. This cause a heightened industrial side of shoe manufacturing. Now 3D printing in footwear is looking to require it to subsequent level with more and more designers and makers looking into the chances

Some brands like ECCO are performing on expanding the utilization of 3D printing within the finished products. However Adidas remains at the forefront of the industry during this area. As a pacesetter , they appear to be one among the sole brands to really bring the technology into a replacement production level. 3D printing in footwear has gone in and out as of the marketplace for years now. But the sportswear brand is that the just one so far that has managed to amp up the assembly like that. They recently released their sneaker: the Alphaedge 4D, which mixes traditional manufacturing with 3D printing. This sneaker was produced in their ongoing collaboration with the 3D startup Carbon By the top of 2018 Adidas introduced 100.000 pairs of their new shoes and are getting to push the technology even further in 2019 getting to produce within the millions within the coming year.
3D printed accessories:

Fashion industries are known for different trend as the 3d printing technology evolves its applications also increases , fashion industry takes the advantage of 3d printing to create custom accessories like 3d printed watches , hand bags, fitness bands, 3d printed frame for spectacles etc